Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mountain Biking

We are in Sedona and like to mountain bike here. I haven't mountain biked a lot. The first day we went it was hard and we only went for a little bit. It was hard because we were on the edge of a steep hill and there was a lot of big rocks in the path.

The next day it was hard but I made it. It was hard because there were big rocks and the path was skinny and on the edge of a cliff and big drop. It was fun too.

Today we went on a long ride and it was very fun. There were not a lot of big rocks and cliffs. We rode to Bell Rock.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Poseidon: God of the Sea

My dad, brother and I are reading “The Titan’s Curse” by Rick Riordan. One of the characters is Poseidon and I wanted to learn more about him. Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea. He is one of the most powerful gods.

Poseidon’s family are the gods and goddesses. One of his brothers is Zeus and his dad is Kronus. Kronus  was a Titan and he ate Poseidon and his brothers and sisters. Zeus saved them by giving Kronus a potion. Then there was a big war between the gods and Kronus that almost destroyed the world. The gods won and became the rulers of the universe.

Poseidon had a lot of wives and kids. One of his main wives was Amphitrite. Some of his kids were Cyclops, sea monsters and half-bloods. He sometimes turns into a horse. Once he was a horse and had a love affair with Medusa.

As the god of the sea, Poseidon is very powerful. Poseidon has a trident. When he puts his trident in the ground it splits open and starts to rumble. If he puts his trident in the sea it rumbles and there are crashing waves that drowns people and sinks ships. He can be nice. Sometimes he puts his hand out and makes islands and nice calm waves.

I think it would be scary to meet Poseidon but I like reading books about him.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Death Valley is a big desert and the hottest place on Earth. It is called Death Valley because a long time ago there was a group of wagons that tried to cut through the valley. Only one wagon got through and someone said "GOODBYE DEATH VALLEY." My family camped here for 3 nights.

Me on the dunes

Friday, February 20, 2015

Going on a Road Trip

We are taking a road trip through California to Arizona. Here are some photos on the road.

Orchards on Highway 5