Sunday, March 8, 2015

Chinese New Year Parade

The last stop on my trip was San Francisco and I went to the Chinese New Year Parade. The Chinese New Year Parade started in 1860. They started because the Chinese immigrants felt like they needed to bring their culture home. I saw the big dragons and I liked them a lot.

Art Show

This is my cousin Elsie
My cousin had an art piece in an art show at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. My cousin is also in 4th grade. There were some really good self portraits that high schoolers made that I really liked. I also liked my cousin's piece which was cut paper or "papel picado".

There was a really big picture in Jasper Johns style of art that was of Abraham Lincoln. The art show was very crazy because there were a lot of people at the art show. The was music and I think there were some dancers.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Grand Canyon

We drove into a snowstorm to get to the Grand Canyon. We made it. It was snowy at the Grand Canyon and it was a little scary because we were on the edge of a 7,000 foot drop.

The Colorado River cut the canyon and it took 6 million years. At the bottom there are rocks 1,700,000,000 old. The river is very crazy and people ride canoes on the crazy river.

My family and I hiked on the edge of the canyon and me and my dad through snowballs off the rim. My brother would throw snowballs at branches with snow on them and then the snow falls off and when I walked under the branch the snowfalls on me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


My family hit a big  snow storm when we left Sedona. It was scary but we made it.

When it started

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sinagua People

Montezuma castle, cliff house
The Sinagua people lived in the Verde Valley in Arizona. They lived there around 500-1425 A.D. We visited two place where they lived. One place was in a cliff next to a river. They built houses into the cliff because the river flooded and it was safe from the water. They could keep an eye over the fields from the top of their houses in the cliff.

The Sinaguas were farmers and hunters. They hunted deer, antelope, rabbit, muskrats and duck.They grew corn, squash and cotton.

We also went to the petroglyphs. It was a bunch of carvings on a rock wall. The carvings represented spirits and shamans and gods. There were a bunch of sun symbols. The art was basic but cool looking.

No one knows exactly where the Sinagua people went. The Hopi are the only living people that are related to the Sinagua people.