Thursday, January 28, 2016

¿Cuanto Cuesta?

How much does it cost? When you are travelling it’s sometimes hard to know how much things cost. One reason it is hard to know if things are expensive or not is because we don’t know how much things are worth. For example a burrito with a horchata at a food stand in Mexico costs $2.25 (40 pesos) but at a restaurant in Point Arena it costs $10.00 with a horchata and a burrito.  One USA dollar costs 18 pesos. I came up with some word problems that show how much things cost.

If a taxi costs $680 pesos and a bus costs $15 USD which costs more? The taxi costs more because it would be $37 USD and the bus costs $270 pesos. I did this problem because when our airplane landed we found a taxi that cost $680 pesos but the bus cost $68 pesos per person. We took the bus instead of the taxi.

Sometimes our family goes to festivals to sell smoothies for ACORN. Our small smoothies cost $6 and our large smoothies cost $8. In Mexico we bought big smoothies that are called licuados and they cost $25 pesos. Which one costs more? Our smoothies cost more because the licuados aren’t even $2 USD, you could buy 4 licuados for the same money as one of our big smoothies.

1 comment:

  1. Great examples of currency conversions using math problems.
