Monday, March 20, 2017

Thera Volcano

by: Logan and Bryce

We spent our last week in Greece on the volcanic island Santorini. The volcano Thera erupted 3,600 years ago. After the volcano exploded the Minoan civilization based in Crete was destroyed and the eruption inspired a couple of myths.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Foods in Greece

pita slouvaki
While we have been traveling in Greece we have been trying different desserts and foods. One of our favorite foods is a chicken pita slouvaki. A slouvaki is a pita bread wrap usually filled with meat, french fries, tzatziki (yogurt and herbs), onions and tomatoes. Lots of times the meat is a kebab or gyro. A kebab is usually chicken or pork grilled on a stick and for the gyro the meat gets cooked on a rotisserie then it is shaved off into thin slices. We first had a slouvaki in Athens then we have tried it ever since. Today we had our best one in Oia on Santorini.

Greeks like their desserts at least we think so because there are so many pastry shops. We first discovered big  pastry shops when we were in Nafplio. Now it is our treat to stop at pastry shops in the different towns we visit. One of my favorite pastries is the Greek Kok. The Greek Kok is like a sponge cake sandwich with cream in between cakes and topped with chocolate.

We have also been cooking a lot at our apartments. In Chania we got oranges from our host's farm and made orange juice and it was pretty good. We have also been eating lots of feta cheese - I love the feta cheese.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Kri-Kri Goat

Domestic goat on the side of the road in Crete
For my homework I had to write about an animal in Greece and I chose the Kri-Kri goat. The Kri-Kri goat lives in Crete mainly in the Samaria Gorge. We were going to hike on the Gorge but it was closed because of flooding. The Kri-Kri didn't always live in Crete it was imported to Crete during the Minoan civilization which was thousands of years ago. The Kri-Kri goat has two horns that go back from the head and brownish fur with a darker line around its neck.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Smart cars

While we have been traveling in Greece we have been noticing how many Smart Cars there are. We first noticed them in Athens. There were so many we saw them on almost every block. Now we see them in every town and city we go through. I can see why people would buy Smart Cars in Greece because the street are so small and the parking is so tight also if you had a Smart Car you could park in such small parking places. Yesterday we drove through a small town in Crete and it was kind of stressful to drive through because the roads were so small but with a Smart Car it would have been a lot easier. In Thssaloniki we saw 5 Smart cars on one block.

Facts about Smart Cars:
  • A German company makes Smart cars but the factory where they are made is in France
  • Their top speed is 95 MPH
  • In 2017 Smart cars for U.S.A and Canada are going to be electric
  • The cost starts at $15,000



Sunday, March 5, 2017

Olive Trees

We have been seeing lots of olive trees while we have been traveling in Greece. The first olive tree we saw was at the Acropolis in Athens. It was planted there because Athena gave the Ancient Greeks the olive tree when they chose to name Athens after Athena. We also got some olives at a market in Athens.
olive tree in Athens at the Acropolis

olive at a market in Athens 

Thursday, March 2, 2017


We were in Thessaloniki for 3 nights. Thessaloniki is the second biggest city in Greece and is located in the north part of the country on the gulf of Thessaloniki. We did a walking tour of Thessaloniki and explored lots of ruins. Part of our route was to visit good bakeries. We took lots of pictures along the way and walked over 10 miles. 
one of the tower ruins

Monday, February 27, 2017


Rocks with monasteries
We took a bus ride from Delphi to Meteora. Meteora is from the Greek word meteoros which means "suspended from air". I think it is called Meteora because there are tall rocks that are so high in the sky and when it is foggy it seems like you are in the clouds.

On top of the rocks there are monasteries. The monasteries were built in the 1300s and some are on rocks that are 1000 feet tall. The reason they built so high up is because they wanted to be safe from the Turkish people who were invading Greece. The monks got up to the monasteries by going into a net and getting pulled up or climbing up a ladder.

We got up to the  monasteries in a taxi then we hiked down a nice trail. When we were up there we noticed the monasteries were being built onto and were becoming fancier.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Town Of Nafplio

One of the fortresses
After we left Athens we went to Nafplio and spent 3 nights there. Nafplio is on the Peloponnese Isthmus in the Argolic Gulf. It was the first capital of Greece after Independence (1833-1834). Because of its location it had three fortresses. We visited two of the fortresses and one of them, the Palamidi, was 45 floors of stairs but when we got to the top it was closed because of a strike (we actually knew that it was closed, we just wanted to see the view). The next day we went to see the other fortress, Akronafplia. It had lots of cannons and it was on top of a hill but not as tall as the Palamidi. We did not visit the other fortress because it was on a little island but we did see it.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Streets of Athens

We were in Athens for 6 days and explored the streets and walked 30 miles. There were some things that I saw a lot of and they were Smart Cars, cats, caterpillars, street art, and ruins. Here are some pictures we took on our walks.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Acropolis & Parthenon

Today we went to the Acropolis and saw the Parthenon and temples for Athena and Poseidon. It was kind of fun but we had to do lots of walking. The Parthenon is a big deal because it was considered to be the most perfect Greek temple. There were lots of temples for Athena and lots of statues of Athena because she is the goddess of Athens. She became the goddess of Athens because she offered the people olive trees and her competitor Poseidon offered the people a salt water spring. But the people chose Athena's gift of the OLIVE TREE!!!

view of the Acropolis

Thursday, February 16, 2017

I'm in greece

It was a long flight to Greece but I finally landed in Athens. It is hard to get used to the time change and jet lag. We have been waking up at weird times and going to bed at weird times. One night we did not go to bed till 2:37 am we also woke up at 12:41 pm. The apartment that we are staying is close to a town square and in a pretty good neighborhood but most of the time there are a group of young men hanging out on our door step. One other thing about our neighborhood is there is a lot of graffiti (lots of graffiti on door). We are going to spend a week in Athens and explore the city.

Door to apartment