Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Acropolis & Parthenon

Today we went to the Acropolis and saw the Parthenon and temples for Athena and Poseidon. It was kind of fun but we had to do lots of walking. The Parthenon is a big deal because it was considered to be the most perfect Greek temple. There were lots of temples for Athena and lots of statues of Athena because she is the goddess of Athens. She became the goddess of Athens because she offered the people olive trees and her competitor Poseidon offered the people a salt water spring. But the people chose Athena's gift of the OLIVE TREE!!!

view of the Acropolis

There was also the world's first theater and it is called the Theater of Dionysus. People danced and sang in goatskins and that was the beginning of drama as we know it. Dionysus was the god of wine and festivals. The theater is a place where people celebrate and that is probably why they called it the Theater of Dionysus.

Theater of Dionysus
 The Acropolis is still a very cool place to visit even though it's just part of what it used to be.

Back of Parthenon

front of Parthenon

porch of Poseidon's temple

Athena's olive tree

Temple of Poseidon 


  1. Thanks for the history of the Theater of Dionysus and how Athena was so important to the Greeks. It's kind of cool to learn some background of drama.
